[Bila aku perlukan pemerhati melebihi pendengar....]

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Feeling enough of everything!

Salam all!

Sambil layan Google News, sambil cuba menulis blog yang makin tebal habuk dan sawang. Lunch hour hari ini memang Nad nak cuba update blog kesayangan. Few days, gastrik melanda, even now pun perut sebu jek.

Apa yang menarik this year? This month?
This year, Alyaa' dah nak UPSR. So, starting this month until September 2017, schedule dia akan penuh dengan kelas tambahan in school dan more revisions at home (hopefully!)

Kesihatan Nad masih dengan ups and downs. Degil taknak pergi fully checkup. Maybe soon lah. Sekarang nak kena fokus dengan current life. Cari duit dulu, and survive every day of my life. Impian macam mana?
Nama pun impian, kena simpan kemas dalam hati ini, sebelum direalisasikan suatu masa nanti, in sha Allah.

Checklist tahun ini:

  1. Settle study-loan.
  2. Travel
  3. Terus improve myself
Dan pastinya nak jaga kesihatan diri sendiri dan keluarga tersayang. 

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Life update!

Salam Sejahtera kepada semua*

Nad harap blog ni masih relevan even dah lama tak update. Many things happened for the past few months since Nad updated. Banyak event berlaku dalam hidup Nad. I love being transparent; making life easier with no lies and less stressful too, In sha Allah. Last June 2016, Nad dah selamat bergraduasi bersama rakan sekelas. Of course attended by my beloved husband, Mr. A, daughter, AA, my sister, NFM and her daughter, my niece, Ms B. All went well for the day. Then, Eid was celebrated quite well afterward in KT. Fast forward to August 2016, something bad happened to my marriage.

We got separated for almost a month before we reconciled and worked our best to rekindle the relationship the best we can. How Nad manage to endure all the events? Million thanks to my closest friends who knew the situation and never left my side ever since. Banyak Nad belajar during that critical period; the worst moment in my entire life. Now after went through all of those down moments in life, I think I can prepare myself well enough for anything for my dear life; for my future.

Alhamdulillah, I gained strength from the experiences and I hope, I can be better version of myself. Enough with that 'not-so-happy-vibe' story, let me update you with current life. Many good things I earned from that. Nad dapat kerja, yes, Allah permudahkan urusan mencari kerja, to survive my alone period. Satu perkara yang jelas, bila kita sebagai hambaNya solely submitted ourselves to Him, He took the pain away, the sorrows and all the negative things away. Jangan malu meminta denganNya.

So, for now, I am a survivor. Masih planning for my future, be it alone or with the loved ones. To be a better person among others, first I must be a better person to myself. Selalu gembira dan abaikan negative people yang akan selalu mencari kekurangan kita. Do not put so much power on others' hands! Create my own happiness and satisfaction!

Till then, thank you!



Friday, February 19, 2016

Goodbye IMU!


It was not easy to bid farewell to a place where I had so much memories. Everything that allowed me to grow and become who I am today. Of course it was not easy to go through some experiences I had in IMU but I guess it worth the journey.

Don't expect a long post to summarize my experience in IMU, but even the full story should remain undisclosed as it is needed to remind me that to become a better person is not an overnight work. 3 years in IMU taught a whole life worth of experiences.

I would love to thank the Almighty for giving me this chance to realize what I can do for me despite what people planned for me and today I can turn back and smile.

I would also want to thank my family, especially my beloved husband to blindly believes in me no matter how life was until today. I wish all the happiness possible in this world and hereafter for him. I love you sayang!

I want to thank all friends since primary school, secondary school, pre-diploma, diploma and colleagues who always there for me when I almost gave up at times. I wish the best for everyone.

Last but not the least, a million thanks to all lecturers in IMU: Mr. Alex, Dr. Nicole, Ms.Zuhrah, Dr. Abdoul, Mr Sara, Prof Menke, Ms Sam, Dr Ke, Ms Nurul, Dr Jana and few more lecturers from another faculty who taught me in IMU.

Learning is to me not only to get certificates or to get good jobs, but to remind me how important every single person that landed their roles in my life and how much they contributed along my journey to the finishing line. I truthfully know that with just thanking them is not enough but I pray that God will bless them in anything they do throughout their journey in life.

p/s: I am so grateful to graduate on time LOL... till then
xoxo... luv ya all!!!!!!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Hello Semester 9!!!

Pejam celik pejam celik dah hampir ke penghujung perjalanan degree Nad. Pelbagai cabaran dan dugaan sepanjang pengajian Nad di IMU dan most of the time Nad pancit dan bangkit semula sebab Nad sedar, nasib Nad dan masa depan Nad hanya Nad yang boleh corak dan bentuk selain doa dan serahkan pada Dia.

Hari ni, Nad berjaya menyudahkan Semester 8 Nad dengan presentation about Nad punye experience throughout Industrial Attachment a.k.a Internship. Hopefully semuanya dipermudahkan dan Nad dapat buat terbaik untuk semester akhir Nad nanti.

So, untuk semester akhir ni Nad ada 3 modules dan satu thesis untuk disiapkan dan barulah Nad bergelar siswazah.. cewahhhh In Sha Allah... Well, banyak yang Nad akan rindu dan geram dengan IMU tapi di sinilah Nad menimba ilmu baru dan amat bermakna pada diri Nad.

Sepanjang pengajian Nad, banyak Nad belajar dan banyak peristiwa yang mengubah perception Nad dengan life dan diri sendiri. Nad belajar sayangkan diri sendiri dan belajar tentang priority sebagai manusia dan yang penting Nad sedar Nad bukanlah Superwoman yang ada super power yang mampu dalam segala perkara. Human was born with limitations.

Please pray for Nad dapat kekalkan pencapaian cemerlang untuk semester akhir ni. Nad tak sabar nak plan life after dah graduate. Nad nak fokus dengan keluarga, especially membantu Mr A dengan online business dia and also Alyaa untuk menempuhi UPSR tak lama lagi tu...

Till then...

"We might hurt ourselves and others throughout life, but no one will live this life as you!"


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