[Bila aku perlukan pemerhati melebihi pendengar....]

Sunday, January 18, 2015

EOS 6 starts Tomorrow !!!


Tomorrow is the day... I really hope that I can do my best after few weeks of preparing for the EOS week. Since I will be having back2back exam papers, 19 till 22 Jan 2015... 4 modules [2 morning papers + 2 afternoon papers] and listening to Taylor's Blank Space right now while writing this post - I'm so sure I don't want any blank space in my answer sheets for my EOS 6... LoL *ok lame joke* But please dear God, give me the best of the best-est memories for tomorrow and after..amin...

What to do after exam ends? I have no idea. Maybe I can go travelling. But still depending on my monthly budget. As long as I have good feelings after exam ends, than I should at least reward myself right? Maybe I will just follow my friends on their vacation or trips to anywhere.... MAYBE!!!

Anyhow, let's just pray for the smooth and successful EOS 6 everyone!!!!! Amin

p/s: I can't wait to say goodbye to SEMESTER 6!!!!!



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