[Bila aku perlukan pemerhati melebihi pendengar....]

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Seharian ku dok survey online cari the nearest and the most convenient Uni for me nak sambung belajar. Lepas buat several test and finally IMU came out as the BEST one. Bukan IPTA or IPTS lain tak best, cuma jarak dan course yang diimpikan tidak sejajar. I memang nak yang dekat without toll and reasonable fees. Paling penting the studies period is only 3 years compared to 4 and half years di Uni lain. :( Bazir masa, and DUIT. buka setakat yuran, mileage lagi nak ambil kira. Parking mahal, makanan mahal. Blablabla... SEMUA mesti kena kira ok.

Masa pergi special programme with IMU recently, I was quite suprised [sangat-sangat] dengan kemudahan-kemudahan yang ada dalam CAMPUS, especially the library.

macam hotel....woo

 It has private study cubicles which is kita leh feeling2 sensorang or dengan kenkawan study group...

Tido ke study? hehehehhe

Also the quiet study area where you can study without any disturbance and NOISE!!

Wow..port baik untuk orang rajin n pendiam macam aku..eh..

 In fact the library is attached together with the laboratory and medical museum so sangat convenient untuk student bawak jek reference book from library terus ke makmal untuk direct research. 

See....sangat best...

Paling COOL.....





It has CAFE inside.....hoi jangan jeles!!

So bagi makhluk Tuhan paling suka makan macam aku, sangatlah tidak SABAR nak memasuki alam campus kan!! :) Lantaklah, aku bakal jadi student yang sangat rajin ke library oke.. LoL.. -_-

p/s: Excited ngalahkan bebudak.. Padahal nebes sangat sebab Mr A suh score first sem... he said " subjek semua baca je kan? so bolehlah 3.5 above...." -_-



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