[Bila aku perlukan pemerhati melebihi pendengar....]

Monday, December 29, 2014

Happy Birthday To Me!!!!



29 Years Old on this 29th DEC .. Alhamdulillah. Thank you for the wishes and prayers.

First of all, thank you Allah *syukur Ya Allah* for the 29 years you gave me.
Thank you Mama n Bob for being such wonderful parents. I know you guys tried the best but Allah knows better what best for me.
Thank you my dear Husband for being patience, supportive and non-judgmental for who I am.
Thank you to my siblings, nephews & nieces for having me as you family.
Thank you Alyaa for being there for me through thick and thin, despite of my lackness in motherhood!

Thank you to all friends, whoever you are, who are always there for me and ignore my bad mouth! *not funny*
Thank you to all teachers,lecturers,professors and all academicians!
Thank you to ALL!

p/s: thank you to me! hehehe


zazanizam said...

wahh besday erk!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. Semoga sentiasa diberi kesihatan yg baik.

Unknown said...

tqvm kak za


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